Clinton’s Golden Voice

Bill Clinton is one of my favorite presidents next to Abraham Lincoln who was the greatest president ever and Jack F. Kennedy, the charmistic president.

President Clinton has earned $30,975,598 in 192 paid speeches from Feb. 5, 2001, to Dec. 13, 2005. – A Disciplined Way to Deal With Email

Saw this website.  This is a cool/good idea.

The Problem

E-mail takes too long to respond to, resulting in continuous inbox overflow for those who receive a lot of it.

The Solution

Treat all email responses like SMS text messages, using a set number of letters per response. Since it’s too hard to count letters, we count sentences instead. is a personal policy that all email responses regardless of recipient or subject will be five sentences or less. It’s that simple.

You know you’re an ASL Interpreter when/if…

Ha, saw this on Facebook; thought I’d post in here.

You know you’re an ASL Interpreter when/if…

…You find yourself talking in ASL gloss

…You have a sidekick/blackberry/trio/pager with you 24/7

…You know who Peter Cook, Byron Yoder, Betty Colonomos, and Keith Wann are

…You know what “cha” and “pah” mean

…Your wardrobe consists of solid, plain colors… no patterns, no frills

…You find yourself distracted by and annoyed with “visual noise”

…You can have an entire conversation without saying a word or using a sign… it’s all on your face

…You find that none of your jokes make sense to anyone else but fellow interpreters or d/Deaf people

…You know the cultural difference between deaf and Deaf.

…all the games you play are vocabulary builders or word games (ie: Boggle, Scrabble, Crosswords, Upwords, Dictionary Dabble, etc.)

…You find yourself unexplainably attracted to hands

…there are no large floral centerpieces on your kitchen/coffee table(s)

…You wake yourself up while signing in your sleep

…Your spelling is impeccable

…Your closed captioning is always on

…You know the difference between a nod of assent or comprehension and “the nod”

…You’ve ever been mistaken for a Deaf person by a Deaf person

…You have a VRS # in your phone

…You accidently/automatically say “go ahead” in regular phone conversations

…You’ve ever had a conversation with someone and were signing unconsciously (until they brought it to your attention)

…You own a pair of white gloves

…Speaking about yourself third person is in no way weird, creepy, or unusual to you anymore

…You’re used to being stared at

…You’ve ever lost your name and identity to become, quite simply, “the interpreter”

…You can’t sit and listen to a lecture/sermon/speech anymore without continually asking yourself, “How would I interpret that?”

…You have ever flung your glasses off your face while signing, and wait for a natural pause before picking them up

…You have spent all day talking/singing about something you don’t understand or know anything about… like calculus, or electrical wiring, or __(fill in the blank)__

…You’ve ever been referred to as “the person in the corner of the TV screen”

Too much coffee man by Shannon Wheeler

Saw this from Tayler’s posted items in his facebook.

Ha, true.

Too many windows open when Finder starts up?

My friend Blake was having this problem when his powerbook g4 starts up, too many winders open in Finder, causing the powerbook to freeze up. He was able to open up the system preferences and create a new account, then log into the new account. However, he cannot copy files in his account due to permissions.

So last night, we were working on this issue and googling around for a solution. Indeed there was. If you have this same problem when too many windows are opened when Finder starts up, you need to trash your Finder preference file, which is located at

Here are the instructions. Taken from

Delete Finder preferences using Finder

1. Open a Finder window and navigate to Home > Library > Preferences folder.
2. Trash the file
3. If you are using Mac OS X 10.3 or later, also trash the Finder Sidebar preferences file,
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
1. Log out, then in again.
2. Relaunch the Finder by choosing Force Quit from the Apple menu, selecting Finder, then clicking the Relaunch button.
5. Empty the Trash.

Delete Finder preferences using Terminal

If you cannot launch Finder, you can delete its preferences using Terminal.

1. Launch Terminal, located in the Applications > Utilities folder.
2. Delete the primary Finder preferences file:
3. At the Terminal prompt, type the following command exactly as written
4. rm ~/Library/Preferences/
5. Press Return.

1. If you are using Mac OS X 10.3 or later, delete the preferences for the Finder Sidebar:
2. At the Terminal prompt, type the following command exactly as written:
3. rm ~/Library/Preferences/
4. Press Return.
5. Perform one of the following tasks:
6 Log out, then in again.
7. Relaunch the Finder by choosing Force Quit from the Apple menu, selecting Finder, then clicking the Relaunch button.
8. Empty the Trash.

Free wireless spots in Fremont, CA

Lately, Blake and I have been going to coffee shops with free wireless to do our work in starting a new business.

I decided to google for more free wireless spots around Fremont. Here it is.

Mission Coffee Roasting Company – 151 Washington Blvd.
The Huddle Bar – 5152 Mowry Ave – 510-794-8590
Sushi Tango – 4193 Cushing Pkwy – 510-440-1613
Suju’s Coffee and Tea – 3602 Thornton Avenue – (510) 742-8880
Panera Bread – 43317 Christy Street and 2650 Mowry Avenue
Tapioca Express – 43421 Christy St – (510) 226-9200
Chaat Cafe – 46465 Mission Blvd.
Depot Cafe – Fremont Amtrak Station
McDonald’s – 40708 Grimmer Blvd – 510-490-0929
Backstage hair salon – Ohlone Village, 1542 Washington Blvd.
LaQuinta Inn – 46200 Landing Parkway – 510 445 0808
Good Nite Inn – 4135 Cushing Pkwy – 510-656-9307
Coffee Plus – 4165 Cushing Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94538 USA
Covent Garden Savories – 1596 Washington Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539 USA
Depot Cafe – 37260 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94536 USA
Fremont Main Public Library – 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538 USA
Govindarajan VS – 34077 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94555 USA
Kets Kaffe – 39124 Fremont Hub, Fremont, CA 94536 USA
Lee’s Sanwiches – 5201 Mowry Ave, Fremont, CA 94538 USA
Mission Coffee Roasting Company – 151 Washington Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539 USA
Panera Bread – 43317 Christy St, Fremont, CA 94538 USA

Happy surfing. :-)

*I’ll come back and edit this post to include a link to Google Maps so you can easily locate them.

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Glass computer desk

I’m thinking about buying this glass computer desk.

Powered by ScribeFire.

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UPS package box

Something funny happened at work today.

One girl brought a UPS package box into a meeting. That UPS package box happened to be for my co-worker and I. They were giving us a gym jacket to show appreciation for our recent work on developing their webpages. The girl was having a hard time opening the box, poking into the box with a scissor.

I had to shake my head a little, got up and went to help her open the box. There was a tab on the side of a box that she can pull and the string underneath will “cut” the box and get it opened.

The girl was surprised. She said she never knew there was a tab and that she was always trying to open it with a scissor. Ha, oh man, girls can be so klutzy! *shaking my head*

The End.

Virtual interpreters a possibility?

Saw this article on BBS news: Technique links words to signing

The system, called SiSi (Say It Sign It) was created by a group of students in the UK.

SiSi will enable deaf people to have simultaneous sign language interpretations of meetings and presentations.

It uses speech recognition to animate a digital character or avatar.

IBM says its technology will allow for interpretation in situations where a human interpreter is not available.

It could also be used to provide automatic signing for television, radio and telephone calls.

Cool concept but for some reason, I still prefer word-by-word translation and keep ASL to social—to have a conversation with other signers.

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Google Search in BMW

BMW manufacturer loves to put latest gadgets in their cars like they did with iPod. Now, they’re doing it again with Google, putting their local Map search in. Google has a competitive advantage over other GPS providers with their fast-loading Map pages and relevant searches.

BMW is the only automobile manufacturer to offer the Google local search in the car – available now. For the first time, you can use this search function to look for local information everywhere in Germany with the world’s most famous online search engine. When you find what you want, the details are transferred to the navigation system and car phone at the touch of a button. The system identifies the location and destination of the vehicle automatically and displays the results in the vicinity with details of address, phone number and distance.

How to write a blog post

Saw this from Seth’s blog.

An appropriate illustration,
A useful topic, easily broadened to be useful to a large number of readers,
Simple language with no useless jargon,
Not too long,
Focusing on something that people have previously taken for granted,
That initially creates emotional resistance,
Then causes a light bulb go go off
and finally,
Causes the reader to look at the world differently all day long.

What separates pro golfers from amateurs or wanna-be like me?

One of my good golfer friends told me this: your putting and mental game.

Right. And I suck at those very areas. Oh well, at least it’s fun to play.

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Max-width image solved for IE

I’m a Firefox user but that doesn’t matter. More than 80% of visitors use IE browser so when I tested my webpage in IE recently, the layout was out of places. That was due to the width of images that is larger than the width of post section. So I used max-width CSS attribute but it doesn’t work on IE. Luckily, I found this link that tells how to get around that.

.post-body img {
width: expression(this.width > 400 ? 400: true);

That’s all it takes to restrict images to a specific width for IE. Now my website is back in its proper layout.

Problem solved.

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Psst, easier way to transfer pics on Mac

I dislike using iPhoto because it would transfer all the pics from my camera whereas I just want to transfer a few pics. After some googling, there is indeed an easy way.

Use Image Capture in the Application folder. Click on ‘Download Some’. That’ll allow you to select pics that you want to transfer. Problem solved. :-)

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Outdoor beanbag

We’ve seen a plenty of different beanbags but have you seen one that is designed for outdoors? like on the beach? Here’s the one.

Link to the store: Fatboy Outdoor

“It’s even more versatile. You can prop it up on itself and sit in it just like a chair, but you can also recline in it, roll it up and lie against it, perch on it horseback-style–and since it’s 55 inches by 75, you can really sleep on the thing.”

Cool but it’s $350.

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