on 43 things

6,366 people want to learn sign language.


Cool. :-)

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My Smart Hands Baby Sign Language


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Visual Learners


Making up about 65% of the population, visual learners absorb and recall information best by seeing. Some of their primary characteristics include:

-Love books, magazines, and other reading materials
-Relate best to written information, notes, diagrams, maps, graphs, flashcards, highlighters, charts, pictures computers.
-Like to have pen and paper handy
-Enjoy learning through visually appealing materials
-Feel frustrated and restless when unable to take notes.
-May have exceptional “photographic memories”
-Can remember where information was located on a page
-Need a quiet place to study
-Benefit from recopying or making their own notes, even from printed information
-Have trouble following long lectures
-Tend to be good at spelling
-Benefit from field trips where observation skills can be used
-Tend to be detail oriented
-Are usually organized and tidy
-Often ask for verbal instructions to be repeated
-Benefit from previewing reading material.
-Skilled at making graphs, charts or other visual displays
-Write down directions or draw a map
-Need to see the instructor’s facial expressions and body language
-Concentrate better with clear line of sight to blackboard or visual aids
-Remember how people looked and dressed in the past
-Prefer written instructions to oral ones.
-Don’t remember names easily.

Wow, describes me 100%! Cool.

Strange dream

Hmm, I had a strange dream. There will be another Tower of Babel event and this time, everyone will become deaf, thus need to rely on one language to communicate. That would be sign language. Another way to communicate is to use computers or anything that uses texts.

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DeafNation Golf Classic 2008

Results are in.


Tied for 23rd place in my first golf tournament. Not too bad!

Will write more later. Gotta do some work here.

Big thanks to DeafNation for their awesome work in planning the event!

Next year in Moline, IL where John Deere PGA is hosted at.

Blogging with Textmate

This is cool, blogging with Textmate editor, using xmlrpc protocol.

Conversation with a girl

One of my friends is studying medicine and I asked why did she decide to study in that field.

her: well, I have a theory. I think it’s because I have a short attention span. I tend to change subjects every two years as I get bored of them easily. Medicine is one subject I think I wouldn’t get bored too easily and it should have enough things to keep myself and my so-called attention span busy. And I like to prescribe medicine for people. What about you? why computer science?

me: because it talks back to me.

her: Oh! you are weird! I just know a medicine I ought prescribe for you!

When Steve Jobs was 27 years old

STEVE JOBS AT HOME IN 1982: This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that’s what I had. ~Steve Jobs

Whoa, I didn’t know that his birthday is on Feb. 24th, two days apart from my birthday. Awesome.

Write everything down

This man is something. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Men are born to write… Whatever he beholds or experiences, comes to him as a model and sits for its picture. He counts it all nonsense that they say, that some things are undescribable. He believes that all that can be thought can be written, first or last; and he would report the Holy Ghost, or attempt it. Nothing so broad, so subtle, or so dear, but comes therefore commended to his pen, and he will write. In his eyes, a man is the faculty of reporting, and the universe is the possibility of being reported.

I’m trying to write more, on my work blog and this one.

Deaf People’s Inner Voice


“Do profoundly deaf people who learn to talk have a voice in their head?”
— Heather & Allen Exby

“My best answer to this,” Hauser wrote, “is that the brain has a special capacity to develop phonological representations, even when it does not have auditory input. The representations might be dramatically different from what hearing individuals hear. Nevertheless, they function in the mind as ‘sounds.'” Deaf schizophrenics, he continued, have auditory hallucinations, and blind schizophrenics have visual ones.

This is a good link. I think thoughts are just what they are, thoughts. They don’t really exist physically but from our minds and apparently, 99% of them express theirs phonologically while we express with our hands visually in Sign.

Steve Jobs’ commencement speech


When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Cool, nice to know that I’m not the only one having those thoughts. Thoughts are powerful. Oh yeah, he was adopted too. Cool.

What is a personal legend?

Taken from herePaulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist

I remember receiving a letter from the American publisher, Harper Collins, which said that: “reading The Alchemist was like getting up at dawn and seeing the sun rise while the rest of the world still slept.” I went outside, looked up at the sky and thought to myself: “So, the book is going to be translated!” At the time, I was struggling to establish myself as a writer and to follow my path despite all the voices telling me it was impossible.

Ninety-ninety rule

“The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.”


Coding has a steep learning curve but once you get it working, the rest is gravy. That’s why I’m learning Django. :-)

Crocs Santa Cruz

Think I’ll go buy these. Much better than rubber ones!

Dvorak keyboard

It’s been a month since I switched to Dvorak keyboard layout for once and good. Dvorak is the name of a simplified keyboard that’s been remapped efficiently to ease stress on your hands in typing. It was created by this guy named Dr. August Dvorak, hence the name, who spent countless days researching keyboard layouts. God bless him.

I first heard about this layout back when I was in college. Boy, you get to learn a lot of stuffs in college. Three of my friends were Dvorak typists and they told me it’s better than Qwerty. So I tried to learn but it was too hard and I had to stay catch up with school and homework. I gave up shortly after attempting to switch.

On my first internship off college, I got bored so I thought again about learning how to type in Dvorak and this time, I lasted longer for about two weeks. I still struggled and was typing pretty slow. I gave up again.

Now, I’m in my full-time position as a webmaster for Google, I spend a lot of time typing and my fingers were starting to burden the stress. When I got a Kinesis keyboard, I thought it was a good time to learn Dvorak again and so I did and stuck with it. I’m happy I did and it’s so easy to type urls like google.com, evenly alternating fingers.

With this Dvorak layout, I learned two things about this keyboard. It focuses on alternating both hands wheras with Qwerty, there is a number of words that can be typed with only one hand. When I started to type in Dvorak, that was a bad habit to break as I wasn’t very used to alternate hands on almost every letter. Secondly, it actually uses all of your fingers, from your left pinkie to your right pinkie. I wasn’t used to engaging my pinkies as I used index, middle fingers and thumbs often on Qwerty and I wasn’t really touch-typing, although I could type pretty fast.

One other thing it taught me. My dad isn’t very computer literate and he couldn’t even touch type and would have to hunt and peck at every letter. I used to make fun of him about that as I couldn’t imagine how hard that would be. Touch-typing, that is, feels pretty easy to me, almost like writing. You probably feel the same way. Till you try to teach yourself how to type on Dvorak. And that is exactly the same kind of frustration that my dad feels when it comes down to typing. Computers weren’t around when he was born so I understood that now and I don’t make fun of him anymore.

One of my favorite parts about this keyboard is probably the period that’s above D letter on E letter. It’s so easy to hit that letter instead of awkwardly lifting your hand to reach period on the lower right bottom.

Since 70% of English words can be typed on home row, sometimes, Dvorak layout makes me feel like I’m typing on a piano, using all of my fingers almost equally, hitting most common letters on the home row with occasional reaches to other less frequent letters. Oh yeah, the record for the fastest typist in the world was accomplished with a Dvorak layout. :-) ‘enuff said.

For more reading on this keyboard layout,

Ma.tt » On the Dvorak Keyboard Layout
Kertong.com – The Dvorak layout
The Dvorak Keyboard and You

Good luck!

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