Mar 2, 2008
WordPress users: how to publish in non-western characters?
I’ve finally found a simple solution on how to publish in non-western characters like Chinese, Japanese or Korean. After looking for some plugins, most of them are for translating languages or require some kind of modifications to the template, which I thought was totally unnecessary. So I remained patient, keep looking and eventually did I find a way!
There are four easy steps to accomplish this.
1) go to the wp-config file in your wordpress directory.
2) you will see this line:
define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);
3) put a comment, //, to the beginning of lines:
//define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);
This deactivates character encoding in the database that holds entries.
4) Save and exit.
And you’re all done! happy multilingual-ing. :-)